Governor Murphy Announces Energy Master Plan to Reach Clean Energy Future by 2050 – Electrification of Transportation Center Stage

Highland Park, NJ—Clean transportation is the centerpiece of energy strategy for the state in the New Jersey Energy Master Plan (EMP).

“Getting more electric cars, trucks, and buses on our roads will be transformative for New Jersey”, said Pam Frank, CEO of ChargEVC, a broad coalition of electric vehicle advocates. “Electrification of transportation will have positive impacts on our environment, international relations, air quality, and our electricity rates!”

Governor Murphy preceded his release of the EMP with other clean transportation announcements including:
• Signing into law goals for 330,000 electric vehicles on the road and 400 charging stations in 200 locations by 2025; goals for NJ Transit, electrifying 10% of its bus purchases by 2025, and establishing an electric vehicle rebate program for ten years;
• Allocation of VW Funds to electric vehicles and charging stations;
• Joining of the California Zero Emission Vehicle-MOU which committed New Jersey to 330,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2025;
• Establishment of The Partnership to Plug In, a joint initiative by the Board of Public Utilities, Department of Environmental Protection, and Economic Development Authority to build out infrastructure for electric vehicle adoption.

“The release of the EMP is great timing, as it reinforces the goals of the goals of our ground-breaking nation-leading EV law,” said Doug O’Malley, President of ChargEVC. “We look forward to the swift implementation that will put New Jersey at the forefront of clean transportation solutions.”

To see the Energy Master Plan, click here.
417 Denison Street
Highland Park, NJ 08904